







About Tamatebako

The reason we started Tamatebako was because we inherited kimono and obi that we could no longer wear.

Among the kimono and obi, we were fascinated by their unique beauty and intricate techniques, and started creating bags, belts, and accessories using Nishijin-ori obi.

Nishijin-ori is a luxurious textile produced in the Nishijin district of Kyoto, made with carefully selected materials and traditional techniques by skilled artisans. Its beauty and quality are highly valued worldwide.

However, due to the decreasing opportunities for people to wear kimono in modern times, the number of artisans involved in Nishijin-ori has also dramatically decreased.

Reasons for this include changes in lifestyle, the time-consuming nature of kimono dressing, and its high cost. Additionally, the patterns and color schemes used in Nishijin-ori are based on Japan’s traditional aesthetics and values, making it less familiar to younger generations.

While having a deep respect for traditional Japanese textiles such as Nishijin-ori, we pursue designs that fit contemporary trends and appeal to younger generations.

Our activity involves creative reuse, where we repurpose unused kimonos and obis to make unique and original items.

The appeal of creative reuse using kimonos and obis lies in the ability to create items that overflow with originality.

Even with the same material, completely different items can be produced through different designs, colors, and arrangement methods.

Additionally, kimonos and obis have deep meanings and symbolism in their patterns and colors.

By inheriting these meanings, we can create new value, which is also one of the attractions of this activity.

Traditional Japanese textiles such as kimonos and obis are cultural heritage.

We would be delighted if people could easily experience Japanese traditional culture by wearing Tamatebako’s works, and many people could appreciate its beauty.

Tamatebako Owner designer
勝間 珠美



Tamatebako Creative director
勝間 美帆



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2021年2月 渋谷スクランブルスクエア5階中央イベントスペース出店
2020年11月 渋谷スクランブルスクエア4階428−224スペース出店
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2020年6月 高島屋横浜店1階正面エスカレーター脇イベントスペース出店
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2018年9月 代官山和パーティー出店
2018年2月 渋谷ヒカリエ5階イベントスペース出店