
  1. この利用規約(以下,「本規約」といいます。)は,たまてばこhandmade(以下,「当店」といいます。)が提供する全てのサービス(以下,「本サービス」といいます。)の利用条件を定めるものです。




  1. お客様が当店の定める方法によってご利用される際,当店がこれを承認することによって,利用登録が完了するものとします。
  2. お客様がお持ち込みの材料を使用し,当店で製作するにあたり端切れなどが出た場合は,基本的に返却いたしますが,細かいものは当店の判断で処分いたします。
  3. 当店は,利用登録の申請者に以下の事由があると判断した場合,利用登録の申請を承認しないことがあり,その理由については一切の開示義務を負わないものとします。





  1. 予約販売に係る商品の対価及びその他の費用に関する決済は、当社の指定するクレジットカードによる支払い(一括払い)、デビットカードによる支払い、代金引換え(ただし、別途当社が指定する場合は除きます)又はその他当社が指定する方法によるものとします。
  2. 当社は、ご予約いただいた商品の発送準備が整い次第、利用者が予約販売の申込みにあたり指定した送付先に商品を配送するものとします。ただし、利用者は、予約販売の性質上、商品の配送までに一定の期間が必要になることを理解し、商品の製造状況、配送状況又はその他の事由により、予約販売に係る商品の配送時期が、通知した商品の配送見込時期よりも遅い時期になる場合があることを、あらかじめ了承するものとします。
  3. 利用者は、予約販売に係る売買契約の成立後、当該売買契約を解除することができないものとします。


  1. お客様は,本サービス利用の対価として,当店が別途定め,本ウェブサイトまたは当店に表示、お伝えする利用料金を,当店が指定する方法により支払うものとします。
  2. お客様が利用料金の支払を遅滞した場合には,お客様は年14.6%の割合による遅延損害金を支払うものとします。


  1. レンタルご利用の際は、身分証明書を確認させていただきますので、運転免許証、マイナンバーカード、パスポートなどをご提示ください。
  2. レンタル期間は、原則として当店発送日からお客様発送日までの期間、5泊6日といたします。
  3. ご利用期間を過ぎた場合は、延滞金が1日ごとにレンタル価格の10%ずつ加算されますのでご注意ください。
  4. 配送料はお客様のご負担となります。
  5. レンタル品を当社の許可なく第三者に転貸したり、譲渡したりする行為を禁止しております。
  6. レンタル品の形状などを改造、変更する行為を禁止しております。
  7. レンタル品の盗難、過失による破損、糸引きやほつれ、著しい汚れなどが生じた場合は、すべてお客様の責任により弁償していただくことが原則となります。なお、状況によって当社補償制度において免責可能の場合もございますので、ご一報のほどお願いいたします。
  8. レンタル品のデザイン等を模倣する行為は固く禁止させて頂きます。












  1. 当店は,以下のいずれかの事由があると判断した場合,お客様に事前に通知することなく本サービスの全部または一部の提供を停止または中断することができるものとします。





  1. 当店は,本サービスの提供の停止または中断により,お客様または第三者が被ったいかなる不利益または損害について,理由を問わず一切の責任を負わないものとします。


  1. 当店の債務不履行責任は,当店の故意または重過失によらない場合には免責されるものとします。
  2. 当店は,何らかの理由によって責任を負う場合にも,通常生じうる損害の範囲内かつ有料サービスにおいては代金額(継続的サービスの場合には1か月分相当額)の範囲内においてのみ賠償の責任を負うものとします。
  3. 当店は,本サービスに関して,お客様と他のお客様または第三者との間において生じた取引,連絡または紛争等について一切責任を負いません。
  4. 当店は、法律上の請求原因如何を問わず、販売の利用に関して当店の責めに帰すべからざる事由から利用者に生じた損害、損失、不利益等について責任を負わないものとします。
  5. 当店は、利用者に対して通知義務を負う場合は、利用者があらかじめ入力した 電子メールアドレスへ通知をすることにより、また、販売に関する商品の配送に関しては、販売の申込みの際に利用者が指定した送付先に商品を配送することにより、その義務を果たしたものとします。
  6. 当店は、予約販売が利用者の特定の目的に適合すること、販売に関する商品が期待する商品的価値・正確性・有用性を有すること、利用者による予約販売の利用が利用者に適用のある法令又は業界団体の内部規則等に適合すること及び不具合が生じないことについて、何ら保証するものではありません。
  7. 利用者が販売に関するサービスを利用するために要した通信費等の費用の一切は、利用者ご自身が負担するものとします。










  1. 本規約の解釈にあたっては,日本法を準拠法とします。
  2. 本サービスに関して紛争が生じた場合には,当社の本店所在地を管轄する裁判所を専属的合意管轄とします。
Terms of Use

These terms and conditions of use (hereinafter referred to as “Terms and Conditions”) apply to the use of Tamatebako handmade (hereinafter referred to as “our shop”). This Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”) applies to all services provided by Tamatebako handmade (hereinafter referred to as the “Shop”) (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”). (hereinafter referred to as the “Shop”), sets forth the terms and conditions of use of all services provided by Tamatebako handmade (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”). (hereinafter referred to as the “Shop”), sets forth the terms and conditions of use of all services provided by Tamatebako handmade (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”).

If the Shop determines that the applicant for user registration falls under any of the following reasons, the Shop may not approve the application for user registration and shall not be obligated to disclose the reasons.

  • When false information is provided in the application for user registration.
  • When the application is from a person who has violated these Terms of Use in the past.
  • When the Shop deems the registration inappropriate.

These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as “these Terms”) stipulate the conditions for the use of all services (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”) provided by Tamatebako Handmade (hereinafter referred to as “Shop”).

These Terms of Use are made in Japanese and translated into English. The Japanese text is the original and the English text is for reference purposes. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between these two texts, the Japanese text shall prevail.

When using our service, customers must not engage in the following acts:

  • Acts that violate laws and regulations or public order and morals.
  • Actions related to criminal acts.
  • Acts that destroy or interfere with the functions of our servers or networks.
  • Acts that may interfere with the operation of our service.
  • Copying and selling the designs of our products.
  • Acts of collecting or storing personal information about other customers.
  • Acts of impersonating other customers.
  • Acts that directly or indirectly provide benefits to anti-social forces in relation to our services.
  • Other acts that we deem inappropriate.

The Shop reserves the right to suspend or discontinue the provision of all or part of this service without prior notice to the customer if we determine that any of the following circumstances apply.

  • When performing maintenance or updating of computer systems related to this service.
  • When it becomes difficult to provide the Service due to force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning, fires, power outages, and natural disasters, or accidents on communication lines, etc.
  • When the Shop determine that it is difficult to provide this service for any other reasons.
  • The Shop shall not be liable, irrespective of the reason, for any disadvantage or damage incurred by the customer or any third party due to the suspension or interruption of the provision of this service.


Your purchased items will usually be shipped within 2 to 3 business days after payment is confirmed. The delivery time will vary depending on the country of destination, but usually takes 1-2 weeks. However, please note that delivery may be delayed depending on the region and weather conditions.

The products purchased by the customer will be shipped to the address specified by the customer by EMS (Express Mail Service) or International e-Packet of Japan Post. However, depending on the customer’s country and region of residence, as well as the weight and size of the items ordered, the shipment may be reassigned to another method.

Customers will generally receive the product in approximately two weeks. However, it may take up to 4 weeks depending on weather, time of year, postal conditions, and various other reasons.

The delivery slip number will be sent to the customer’s e-mail address at the time of shipment. You can check the delivery status by yourself at the following Japan Post tracking site.


Although we have taken great care in packaging, damage may occur due to unforeseen circumstances. In the unlikely event that there is something wrong with the packaging upon delivery, please refuse to accept the package and check the contents for damage in the presence of the local postal delivery company.

Duty & Tax

In international transactions, the goods ordered by the customer may be subject to VAT, customs duties and consumption taxes and levied at the time of importation.

We ship DDU ( Delivered Duty Unpaidduties) on all international transactions. Therefore, we do not charge VAT, customs duties, sales taxes, or any unpredictable special charges or brokerage fees upon payment of the goods.

If these additional charges are necessary for you to retrieve your goods from customs, you will be required to pay them. Please contact your local customs office for further information regarding the importation of goods.


In the event of damage or defects caused by us in an international transaction, or in the event that you receive an item that is different from what you ordered, we will process returns and refunds in accordance with the following policy.

  • You must contact us within 14 days of delivery of the product to the customer and provide a description of your order and an explanation with images that allow us to determine the damage, defect, or wrong product status.
  • You must return the damaged, defective, or incorrectly shipped item(s) to the location designated by us in its original packaging.

Please note that we are unable to accept returns or exchanges due to customer’s convenience in international transactions.

Products Warranty

The warranty period for purchased products is one year from the date of purchase. A warranty card stating the product name and date of purchase is included with your purchased product and states that the product is covered for malfunctions due to defective parts or manufacturing defects. Please note that this warranty does not cover damage caused by accident, improper use or carelessness, or damage caused by normal use of the product or its components.


If the Shop is liable for any reason, the Company shall only be liable for compensation within the scope of normally occurring damages.

The Shop shall not be held responsible for any transactions, communications, disputes, etc. that arise between the customer and other customers or third parties in relation to this service.

If the Shop has an obligation to notify the user, we shall fulfilled this obligation by sending a notification to the email address previously provided by the user.

And in case of delivery of a product related to sale, by delivering the product to the address specified by the user at the time of application for sale.

All costs, including communication costs, incurred by the user in using sales-related services shall be borne by the user himself/herself.

 Suspension of provision of the Service, etc.

The Shop reserves the right to suspend or discontinue the provision of all or part of this service without prior notice to the customer if we determine that any of the following circumstances apply.

  • When performing maintenance or updating of computer systems related to this service.
  • When it becomes difficult to provide the Service due to force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning, fires, power outages, and natural disasters, or accidents on communication lines, etc.
  • When the Shop determine that it is difficult to provide this service for any other reasons.
  • The Shop shall not be liable, irrespective of the reason, for any disadvantage or damage incurred by the customer or any third party due to the suspension or interruption of the provision of this service.

Modification of Terms of Use

The Shop reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without notifying customers if we deem it necessary.

The Shop reserves the right to change the content of this service or to discontinue providing this service without notice to the customer, and we shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the customer as a result thereof.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The interpretation of these Terms shall be governed by Japanese law.

In the event of a dispute arising in connection with this service, the court having exclusive jurisdiction shall be the court with jurisdiction over the location of the Shop’s headquarter.

Notification or Contact

Any notification or communication between the customer and the Shop shall be made in the manner specified by us.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The interpretation of these Terms shall be governed by Japanese law.

In the event of a dispute arising in connection with this service, the court having exclusive jurisdiction shall be the court with jurisdiction over the location of the Shop’s headquarter.


※These Terms of Use are made in Japanese and translated into English. The Japanese text is the original and the English text is for reference purposes. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between these two texts, the Japanese text shall prevail.